Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Black Templars Prefer Nothing!

After some serious time with sixth edition I think its update time.

First I want to get this off my chest. Losing PE was hard on the Templars-kills alot of synergy we had especially when assault is no longer the game and shooting is king. There we go. I said it. Not a complaint just fact.

Ok, so now considering what we know about 6th what are some awesome strategies with the Templars? Well I hope to be updating with a couple more things but so far:

  • Techmarines as IC's are great sarges and can provide that much need CC 2+ bypass as well as giving a unit a good shot in Shooting phase.
  • Grenades have changed now to help us. Although we have to purchase them per character (which is very sad) whatever you purchase you usually will use because you taking it. On several occasions Krak gernades have made a great difference and in overwatch they are able to be thrown since they aren't a template. This is a great deterant
  • Transports aren't actually much worse than they were. Infact, I would argue opposite- especially for rhinos. It is tru they can be smacked easily but they are virtually movable blocking terrain. And if all your opponent can do is wreck them then you keep that cover. Best strategy so far is drop people first turn and let them shoot then use your flat out to cover your guys again.
  • Vows may not be as good as PE but ATW is now a second psyker save and I can see plenty of use for Suffer. Also I plan on play testing the 6+ invulv for everyone. Sure this seems bad since you get no cover but honestly as marines cover isn't much of a difference and doesn't help in H2H. I think that in the long run the 10 points will actually pay out (one or two saves can change the game) and even if someone dies chances are we will charge forward. Just means we need to bring bigger squads.
  • Finally if shooting is king who is best? Our Termies! who else can take 2 special weapons? no one! plus we can pack in 5 squads of the 5 man teams. that is 10 heavy weapons buried in +2 saves! Enough said.

This is just the beginning of some 6th ed articles I hope to put out on templars. I don't see enough references out there for them so that's what I hope will help the questioning player out. Now let's get out there and win some championships! For the emperor of course.

~Marshal Zappin'

Sunday, July 1, 2012

6th here now

So not a full post yet but looking at the faq I can say that BT's will change somewhat. But i digress first the news:
so Let's see
Well before 6th dropped my brother finally beat me in 5th so he got a last win before he will see the new book and as for me I won wednesday at the club in a friendly game with some new dice. It was actually a doubles game with me and a marine player versus orks and chaos. They played valiantly but in the end really experience did them in as they were both relatively newer players. I tend to not like to beat them because I know how tough it is to start playing and then just get regularly rolled by some vet. Not that I win alot now anyways but I usually can see the decisive point in a battle that led to my down fall. That at least keeps me up to par and continue playing because I know those are things I can fix whereas a new player may not recognize the weakness in their list or be able to see the bad strategy they may have used in a game. Hopefully they had fun tho, great lists just need some more practices to know exactly where and if to move and see where exactly to place units in deployment.

Well now onto 6th:
First reading the FAQ i don't see too many upsetting changes- really only one potentially. The main changes were bringing Templars up to par with regular marines so no big surprises. The one big one that I am talking about is the removal of Preferred Enemy and replaced it with the new Rage rule. Now I have yet to get my book but from what i have heard (which i disclaimer again) is that either means they are either getting extra CC attacks or I heard re-rolling 1's. That changes a big deal about how I will run my BT's if this stands. If it is for re-roll 1's then I might get onboard with that granted it doesn't require me to move toward the enemy every turn like it used to (remember 5th edition), If not i have been  thinking seriously about the +1 st. upgrade. Sure i hit slower which does stink and no piggie back with furious charge but Furious charge obviously would give them int5 and st5 replacing the vow if I do FC and if not st5 hits xenos on 2's and hits marines on 3's. Thats pretty good. And a 10 from a PF means instant death on bikers (if that still stands).

Lots of potential. Can't wait to get the book tomorrow (granted it arrives at Games Cafe)

Another thing on my mind is ALLIES! it opens up lots of fun things for templars and i wonder which will be a good combo. Lots of things I would bring but I also want to keep close to fluff because i want the army to look realistic-why are they working together. Mainly I have been considering hydras from guard or a squad of scouts in their fast vehicle as a quick objective grabber or out flanker. Also thought a little about necrons and using tank hunters coupled with scarabs would be scary( take armour down then templars pop the bad boy) or better yet templars charging the field with night fight from cryptek.

well thats my thoughts for now.
~brother Marshal Zapping out