Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Future and You, A guide to stayin' alive

Another Update?! let's try to make this a re-occurring thing.
Anyways. Below you should see some pics from the Monster Ball Event at Games Cafe yesterday! super blast to play! Sorry if the pics are kinda blurry but my phone isn't that detailed. Also sorry if i didn't catch your army- tried to get everyone but i was mostly taking pics on my board side. Enjoy them!

here is my force (go Black Templars!)
 Here is my dad's Tau
 The impressive Dreadnaught force of Marshal Severarse
 A Menacing Space marine force setup opposite of the tau
The lovable and extremely building smashing Tyranids

I'll spare you the details but basically there was 10 of us with 1000 point lists consisting of no force org only MC's, walkers, and Heavy Support. The mission was from Cities of death and basically buildings were either 14 armor or 12 giving either 4 or 2 kill points and characters were worth their points rounded down to the nearest hundred. 2 sides were made and although we lost and I totally learned a lesson ( that dreads should not take missiles but instead take awesome crushing arms vs buildings) We had a great time. MVP of our team was tyranids getting a whooping 18 points out of buildings and MVP of the opponents team was orks with an insane 22 points! holy crap right? Super fun to play and really fast turns....

Anyways, Aside from that i had an interesting though come when i read this rumor amongst others on BOLS. 

-Preferred Enemy is including shooting and you may reroll wound rolls of a 1 (either shooting or combat)

Now obviously this is not set in stone but a guy can dream right? Infact this might actually make Templars even more deadly. How nice is it to get to also reroll wounds or if i take a missile squad of crusaders to reroll the shooting? Not that they miss too much but thats nice. And on the dreads too as the vow states! We might become a competitive build again. Not that we weren't competitive but sometimes not getting a new codex and using awesome outdated rules works to your advantage (i'm looking at you Eldar). But frankly I really doubt this is the case and even so it doesn't change much because most of the things I bring are usually TL (Lascannon Dread, Lascannon LR). Also I kind of like being a Chapter that is odd to play that way you are so much more familiar with your rules and your opponents then they with yours. That is a tactical advantage and potentially a surprise factor which can work wonders. Hopefully not everyone with jump on the looted bandwagon in 6th.
6th is shaping up to be very interesting indeed...........

More on tactics later!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Updates! and 6th

ok, sorry about being away so long but I hope to get some new posts up here as well as some pictures as I play more with my new found local gaming community!

Not much really aside from 6th comming out. Sounds like 6th will be using an overall psychic powers kind of like fantasy which really doesn't effect my army, you know abhor the witch. However this may make that vow more important which would be an interesting change to my game. I wonder if they will change preferred enemy forcing me to take abhor the witch....
Anyways, that should be cool, can't wait to see what comes of the book and according to BOLS there is word in the tube of a change in BT rules, maybe in a white dwarf magazine in the near future which would also be cool to implement.

As for my army I still have some painting to do and some conversions with the templars to get them up to points and finished. If i can get them done I might be able to play in the upcomming Midwest Massacre which would be sooooo sweet. Can't say what 6th will do to my game but just being in a GT or large tourney would be a really cool experience.

Recently also as I am starting conversion I am thinking about converting part of my normal intiates to carry jump packs just for extra play. I think that a squad of maybe 7-10 with a techie or a marshal might be a good screen/red herring as i get assualty termies into position for charges. Also I have noticed and started impletmenting the use of shooty termies into my list as well. They are best in a small group of 5 with 2 missiles. I find they have great saves and great output shot wise and when they get assualted they hold their own. Even with the possibility of H2H Ap values in 6th their powerfists with retain amazing value.

Finally I have been wondering what other army I want to pick up. I was thinking maybe to go with a Chaos List and make up a renegade marine chapter so i can use normal marines(since they look great better than chaos ones) and stil use the new book or maybe make a combat patroll space wolves list with all fen wolves! Fen wolf mob FTW!!!!