Saturday, August 10, 2013

Update and tournament hunting

Alright, so what's up?

Well let's just update you with a little about what I have been doing lately!

So the newest things I have added to my Templars is 2 attack bikes and a LRC. Both have got their first coats but working on finishing them. Great additions by the way!

Anyways the real point of the update is do a couple pieces of potential lists that I may use at the upcoming Midwest Massacre!

Before I post the lists I am debating between using attack bike squads with a hidden character in there or using an allied detachment of tau.

Pros of the bikes: gives me fast attack for scouring missions, another character can make them punch very hard, also that can provide 3 multi meltas or heavy golfers and 6 wounds on toughness 5 models.

Pros of tau allies: gives me 2 scoring units naturally raising me to 4 total, the hq on firewarriors gives a strong 24 shots and 1 markerlight, kroot snipers are outflanking or infiltrating and can potentially be an answer to mc's, taking a dedicated devilfish transport with smart missiles makes it valuable as well as versatile.

Overall the tau really fill that versatility needed for scoring but the bikes have potential synergy with their codex. Possibly having more bike squads make the field very saturated and maybe more survivable......

Hmm choices......


  1. I love what you do with the templars! (Templar player myself) and i have strict rules on no allies, especially with xenos scum! Muahahah so id opt for the attack bikes ;) im deeply encouraged to see another brother squeezing as much good out of our old codex as you can but tbh im a little excited about our updates rules coming in september 8D

  2. Ya I agree, didn't think anyone read these anymore but glad to hear the encouragement myself!
