Oh my gosh two posts in a week?
unheard of!
So I have recently been thinking about my list as I continue to edit it and add to it for our escalation league.
Three things I am considering:
1. First, troop sizes; currently I run 2 squads of troops: A five man squad with an Ax and the EC and the techmarine in the LR, the other squad is 5 marines with missile and plasma along with 5 h2h Neophytes for objective sitting. I am considering whether this is enough or not. I know that most players would say it is not enough with so many games being Objective heavy and 2 troops won't cut it. Although this is true my problem with our troops is mobility. When playing I rarely expect my troops to survive that long or be close to the other side of the map, also the average of most games is 4 objectives two placed by me and 2 by the opponent. That means I really have strategic influence on about half of the objectives.
All this being said my troops either start on the objective or travel rather close to get to one to sit. Problem is BT don't sit, they get shot and move! So practically unless i play to hard for objectives I usually can take 2 most likely 1. Luckily lots of things can deny the capture. So I think 2 troops is a good amount and only at 2k would i take more (since I have too) and just keep them like a combat squad (1 regular gunned up squad and 1 five man squad in front with just a flamer)
2.Terminator squad sizes: The next thing I am considering for my escalation list is either another terminator squad or make my command squad larger. The upside of a large command squad is that it becomes alot more scary and will most likely take alot of fire and make it to h2h with whoever it wants. The upside to 2 squads is 2 more Cyclone missiles or assault cannons. Survivability versus Firepower. It is a hard trade and really depends on how I play. I think the Survivablity is probably best considering it is less Kill points with a high potential of scoring more Kill points. The shooty Squad is a KP and great versus vehicles but less likely to kill a vehicle(or squad) outright (even though Tank Hunters is a better chance than anyone else)
3.Finally Allies: I rarely run allies because I believe that although it intially helps cover some of your armies apparent weaknesses overall allies cause you to be good at 2 cmpletely different armies and try to get them not only to work together but retain their benefits while providing for the other army. I don't think this happens very easily or often. So as we get into the higher points I might have to start using my Dark Eldar. It is the worst kind of ally you can have but their movement is amazing and makes me not worried much. What I am worried about is will it be a waste compromising my BT or will it be worth it to have the extra speed and let the BT be the hammer. Play testing will tell
anyways let me know what you think!!!!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Not Black Tempars But still Black(or Dark if you will)
Ok i know I promised a list and sorry for not delivering that however i think we should all just be happy that I actually updated this before the month mark.......
also I have noticed a bit more activity lately, so keep it up and I definitely will keep it up!
Actually I just wanted to update with some ideas and projects I currently am working on.
For BT:
Currently I need to paint and post those pictures with about 90% base coated all I need to do is get more white and grey paint to finish certain areas.
Also for the BT's I have been thinking of a new marshal I already have modelled but yet to play:
Its a gun slinging marshal with dual Plasma Pistols that are Master Crafted. Sweet isn't it. Sure this makes him super unviable but I think its just awesome I can actually use the Gunslinger rules when like no one else can. Am I right? Also someone suggested that the EC go with a squad of Sword Brethern. which actually is a kinda neat idea. He could outflank with them or infiltrate and though he has no charge first turn people will either react hard to him the turn he pops up or leave him alone which is actually favorable in 2 ways. Option 1 is kind of nice because then it takes some heat off the other units especially if you place him close to tanks and small meaty units. Option 2 is even better because he can wait a turn with the brothers then jump out and munch up the small troop choice or perhaps long fangs that happen to be chilling so close. He could even sit out front and tank the wounds doing a +2 save per missile and then look our sir per other missile.
just a thought.......
The real update is that I recently got some Dark Eldar. Definitiely really cool- at least as far as vehicle design is concerned. The real think I love in their army though is Reavers. If I had the money I'd purchase a lot of those. so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
My biggest think with the Dark eldar is learning to play weaker then most updates. Although they have had a recent update not many of their things can go toe to toe with a marine, but then again theyaren't meant to. They are meant for Trickery just as their name suggests and just as I shout out my brother everytime he makes a regular eldar save (that elf trickery). I look forward to playing them in such a way that I rarely engage you but making passes as you weak spots always dodging the bullet. we'll see how that goes though.
Look for updates on both as I play BT as competitive as I can and still playing some with this new set of toys!
also I have noticed a bit more activity lately, so keep it up and I definitely will keep it up!
Actually I just wanted to update with some ideas and projects I currently am working on.
For BT:
Currently I need to paint and post those pictures with about 90% base coated all I need to do is get more white and grey paint to finish certain areas.
Also for the BT's I have been thinking of a new marshal I already have modelled but yet to play:
Its a gun slinging marshal with dual Plasma Pistols that are Master Crafted. Sweet isn't it. Sure this makes him super unviable but I think its just awesome I can actually use the Gunslinger rules when like no one else can. Am I right? Also someone suggested that the EC go with a squad of Sword Brethern. which actually is a kinda neat idea. He could outflank with them or infiltrate and though he has no charge first turn people will either react hard to him the turn he pops up or leave him alone which is actually favorable in 2 ways. Option 1 is kind of nice because then it takes some heat off the other units especially if you place him close to tanks and small meaty units. Option 2 is even better because he can wait a turn with the brothers then jump out and munch up the small troop choice or perhaps long fangs that happen to be chilling so close. He could even sit out front and tank the wounds doing a +2 save per missile and then look our sir per other missile.
just a thought.......
The real update is that I recently got some Dark Eldar. Definitiely really cool- at least as far as vehicle design is concerned. The real think I love in their army though is Reavers. If I had the money I'd purchase a lot of those. so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
My biggest think with the Dark eldar is learning to play weaker then most updates. Although they have had a recent update not many of their things can go toe to toe with a marine, but then again theyaren't meant to. They are meant for Trickery just as their name suggests and just as I shout out my brother everytime he makes a regular eldar save (that elf trickery). I look forward to playing them in such a way that I rarely engage you but making passes as you weak spots always dodging the bullet. we'll see how that goes though.
Look for updates on both as I play BT as competitive as I can and still playing some with this new set of toys!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
From Fixing to being a Tank
Ok, So i have been playing a bit of Templars in my local club and I have mapped out a pretty good list at 1500. Hopefully within this week I will be able to post it up here.
Let's see, what is new.......
Well I got myself a Rhino Chasis which was whirlwind. Lucky me since Templar's don't play Whirlwinds(not in our dex since its a sissy weapon). Ripped those off and converted them to my terminators as Cyclone Missile Launchers. Also got a couple more Termies and re mapped the squads. Took out the Assualt Termies altogether since the only effective ones were powerfist and shooting is so good in 6th might as well just keep PF and shooty Termies instead. That with tank hunters makes them scarey! (at least to anything under 14 armour)
Also I know that Templar's are my first true army and love in 40k and they will retain that however with a birthday recently past and not needing much else for Templars I am grabbing myself a Kabal. That's right: Dark Eldar for me as well. I will build them slowly I believe but I am excited to play another non psyker and super fast. Of all models in the game my favourite is the Reavers. Their ability to autohit by driving over accompanied by an amazing cover save when they are fast(+3) makes them Marine toughness and hard as nails to catch.(considering those nails are shot from a nail gun)
Ok Now for the meat and potatoes of this post: Techmarine Tanking.
It is common knowledge now in 6th that Tanking can be a great way to deliver that deathstar to the enemy. However instead of terminator lords or sarges recently I have started using my Techmarine for this. Templars don't get Sarges so the best way to do this is to use something that is preferably an IC and have that special save(2+).
The techmarine in full servo harness is our answer to this since we have no sarges and a 65 point castellan uses up a valuable force org spot and is stark naked until u add 25 to him for the term armour.
So we look to elites and though the techmarine is costly as 70 points+35 for the full servo harness he is the only(aside from the Champion) who has not only wargear immediately but gains a fair bit of wargear for 35 points. The Techie comes with a PF attack, PW(sword I recommend), Signum, Auspex and Bolter plus his healing ability on a 5+(to fix immobile, weapon destroyed or hull point). Then for a mere 35 points he gets another PF attack, Twinlinked Plasma Pistol, Flamer, a +2 armour save and +1 and a reroll to his heal ability.
He is literally a swiss army knife. Set him in your shooting squad to give them Auspex and Signum. Set him with a command squad or put him in Terminator armour too since he can take wargear and go with any squad he chooses.
So far I find he works best in a LR with a Crusade squad and the Champ. This allows me to soak wounds, give that squad some big punch or heal the LR if they decide not to assualt. Also that armour is not considered terminator so he can sweeping advance!
To give you an idea how to do this I recently play BA in a relic match 1500 points. He was in a LR with a 5man Crusade squad and the Champ. Now I did not want the champ to die to fire so when they got out and grabbed the relic I place the Champ in the back and the techmarine in the front most of the squad. The BA then hit that squad with snipers and 3 devastator squad(with Krak missiles). I used him to take all the wounds and when he failed them I used his 2+ look out sir to throw the missiles back onto the squad. Needless to say I survived the turn of shooting still holding the relic which should not have happened! thats 12 Krak missile shots!
anyways just some food for thought especially since in our dex we can give him wargear and we don't really need the elite slots. Instead of filling Termies there you can just take 2 Leaders(the Champ doesn't have to take up a slot according to his rules) and just bring two beefy term command squads with them.
Let's see, what is new.......
Well I got myself a Rhino Chasis which was whirlwind. Lucky me since Templar's don't play Whirlwinds(not in our dex since its a sissy weapon). Ripped those off and converted them to my terminators as Cyclone Missile Launchers. Also got a couple more Termies and re mapped the squads. Took out the Assualt Termies altogether since the only effective ones were powerfist and shooting is so good in 6th might as well just keep PF and shooty Termies instead. That with tank hunters makes them scarey! (at least to anything under 14 armour)
Also I know that Templar's are my first true army and love in 40k and they will retain that however with a birthday recently past and not needing much else for Templars I am grabbing myself a Kabal. That's right: Dark Eldar for me as well. I will build them slowly I believe but I am excited to play another non psyker and super fast. Of all models in the game my favourite is the Reavers. Their ability to autohit by driving over accompanied by an amazing cover save when they are fast(+3) makes them Marine toughness and hard as nails to catch.(considering those nails are shot from a nail gun)
Ok Now for the meat and potatoes of this post: Techmarine Tanking.
It is common knowledge now in 6th that Tanking can be a great way to deliver that deathstar to the enemy. However instead of terminator lords or sarges recently I have started using my Techmarine for this. Templars don't get Sarges so the best way to do this is to use something that is preferably an IC and have that special save(2+).
The techmarine in full servo harness is our answer to this since we have no sarges and a 65 point castellan uses up a valuable force org spot and is stark naked until u add 25 to him for the term armour.
So we look to elites and though the techmarine is costly as 70 points+35 for the full servo harness he is the only(aside from the Champion) who has not only wargear immediately but gains a fair bit of wargear for 35 points. The Techie comes with a PF attack, PW(sword I recommend), Signum, Auspex and Bolter plus his healing ability on a 5+(to fix immobile, weapon destroyed or hull point). Then for a mere 35 points he gets another PF attack, Twinlinked Plasma Pistol, Flamer, a +2 armour save and +1 and a reroll to his heal ability.
He is literally a swiss army knife. Set him in your shooting squad to give them Auspex and Signum. Set him with a command squad or put him in Terminator armour too since he can take wargear and go with any squad he chooses.
So far I find he works best in a LR with a Crusade squad and the Champ. This allows me to soak wounds, give that squad some big punch or heal the LR if they decide not to assualt. Also that armour is not considered terminator so he can sweeping advance!
To give you an idea how to do this I recently play BA in a relic match 1500 points. He was in a LR with a 5man Crusade squad and the Champ. Now I did not want the champ to die to fire so when they got out and grabbed the relic I place the Champ in the back and the techmarine in the front most of the squad. The BA then hit that squad with snipers and 3 devastator squad(with Krak missiles). I used him to take all the wounds and when he failed them I used his 2+ look out sir to throw the missiles back onto the squad. Needless to say I survived the turn of shooting still holding the relic which should not have happened! thats 12 Krak missile shots!
anyways just some food for thought especially since in our dex we can give him wargear and we don't really need the elite slots. Instead of filling Termies there you can just take 2 Leaders(the Champ doesn't have to take up a slot according to his rules) and just bring two beefy term command squads with them.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The Black Templars Prefer Nothing!
After some serious time with sixth edition I think its update time.
First I want to get this off my chest. Losing PE was hard on the Templars-kills alot of synergy we had especially when assault is no longer the game and shooting is king. There we go. I said it. Not a complaint just fact.
Ok, so now considering what we know about 6th what are some awesome strategies with the Templars? Well I hope to be updating with a couple more things but so far:
This is just the beginning of some 6th ed articles I hope to put out on templars. I don't see enough references out there for them so that's what I hope will help the questioning player out. Now let's get out there and win some championships! For the emperor of course.
~Marshal Zappin'
After some serious time with sixth edition I think its update time.
First I want to get this off my chest. Losing PE was hard on the Templars-kills alot of synergy we had especially when assault is no longer the game and shooting is king. There we go. I said it. Not a complaint just fact.
Ok, so now considering what we know about 6th what are some awesome strategies with the Templars? Well I hope to be updating with a couple more things but so far:
- Techmarines as IC's are great sarges and can provide that much need CC 2+ bypass as well as giving a unit a good shot in Shooting phase.
- Grenades have changed now to help us. Although we have to purchase them per character (which is very sad) whatever you purchase you usually will use because you taking it. On several occasions Krak gernades have made a great difference and in overwatch they are able to be thrown since they aren't a template. This is a great deterant
- Transports aren't actually much worse than they were. Infact, I would argue opposite- especially for rhinos. It is tru they can be smacked easily but they are virtually movable blocking terrain. And if all your opponent can do is wreck them then you keep that cover. Best strategy so far is drop people first turn and let them shoot then use your flat out to cover your guys again.
- Vows may not be as good as PE but ATW is now a second psyker save and I can see plenty of use for Suffer. Also I plan on play testing the 6+ invulv for everyone. Sure this seems bad since you get no cover but honestly as marines cover isn't much of a difference and doesn't help in H2H. I think that in the long run the 10 points will actually pay out (one or two saves can change the game) and even if someone dies chances are we will charge forward. Just means we need to bring bigger squads.
- Finally if shooting is king who is best? Our Termies! who else can take 2 special weapons? no one! plus we can pack in 5 squads of the 5 man teams. that is 10 heavy weapons buried in +2 saves! Enough said.
This is just the beginning of some 6th ed articles I hope to put out on templars. I don't see enough references out there for them so that's what I hope will help the questioning player out. Now let's get out there and win some championships! For the emperor of course.
~Marshal Zappin'
Sunday, July 1, 2012
6th here now
So not a full post yet but looking at the faq I can say that BT's will change somewhat. But i digress first the news:
so Let's see
Well before 6th dropped my brother finally beat me in 5th so he got a last win before he will see the new book and as for me I won wednesday at the club in a friendly game with some new dice. It was actually a doubles game with me and a marine player versus orks and chaos. They played valiantly but in the end really experience did them in as they were both relatively newer players. I tend to not like to beat them because I know how tough it is to start playing and then just get regularly rolled by some vet. Not that I win alot now anyways but I usually can see the decisive point in a battle that led to my down fall. That at least keeps me up to par and continue playing because I know those are things I can fix whereas a new player may not recognize the weakness in their list or be able to see the bad strategy they may have used in a game. Hopefully they had fun tho, great lists just need some more practices to know exactly where and if to move and see where exactly to place units in deployment.
Well now onto 6th:
First reading the FAQ i don't see too many upsetting changes- really only one potentially. The main changes were bringing Templars up to par with regular marines so no big surprises. The one big one that I am talking about is the removal of Preferred Enemy and replaced it with the new Rage rule. Now I have yet to get my book but from what i have heard (which i disclaimer again) is that either means they are either getting extra CC attacks or I heard re-rolling 1's. That changes a big deal about how I will run my BT's if this stands. If it is for re-roll 1's then I might get onboard with that granted it doesn't require me to move toward the enemy every turn like it used to (remember 5th edition), If not i have been thinking seriously about the +1 st. upgrade. Sure i hit slower which does stink and no piggie back with furious charge but Furious charge obviously would give them int5 and st5 replacing the vow if I do FC and if not st5 hits xenos on 2's and hits marines on 3's. Thats pretty good. And a 10 from a PF means instant death on bikers (if that still stands).
Lots of potential. Can't wait to get the book tomorrow (granted it arrives at Games Cafe)
Another thing on my mind is ALLIES! it opens up lots of fun things for templars and i wonder which will be a good combo. Lots of things I would bring but I also want to keep close to fluff because i want the army to look realistic-why are they working together. Mainly I have been considering hydras from guard or a squad of scouts in their fast vehicle as a quick objective grabber or out flanker. Also thought a little about necrons and using tank hunters coupled with scarabs would be scary( take armour down then templars pop the bad boy) or better yet templars charging the field with night fight from cryptek.
well thats my thoughts for now.
~brother Marshal Zapping out
so Let's see
Well before 6th dropped my brother finally beat me in 5th so he got a last win before he will see the new book and as for me I won wednesday at the club in a friendly game with some new dice. It was actually a doubles game with me and a marine player versus orks and chaos. They played valiantly but in the end really experience did them in as they were both relatively newer players. I tend to not like to beat them because I know how tough it is to start playing and then just get regularly rolled by some vet. Not that I win alot now anyways but I usually can see the decisive point in a battle that led to my down fall. That at least keeps me up to par and continue playing because I know those are things I can fix whereas a new player may not recognize the weakness in their list or be able to see the bad strategy they may have used in a game. Hopefully they had fun tho, great lists just need some more practices to know exactly where and if to move and see where exactly to place units in deployment.
Well now onto 6th:
First reading the FAQ i don't see too many upsetting changes- really only one potentially. The main changes were bringing Templars up to par with regular marines so no big surprises. The one big one that I am talking about is the removal of Preferred Enemy and replaced it with the new Rage rule. Now I have yet to get my book but from what i have heard (which i disclaimer again) is that either means they are either getting extra CC attacks or I heard re-rolling 1's. That changes a big deal about how I will run my BT's if this stands. If it is for re-roll 1's then I might get onboard with that granted it doesn't require me to move toward the enemy every turn like it used to (remember 5th edition), If not i have been thinking seriously about the +1 st. upgrade. Sure i hit slower which does stink and no piggie back with furious charge but Furious charge obviously would give them int5 and st5 replacing the vow if I do FC and if not st5 hits xenos on 2's and hits marines on 3's. Thats pretty good. And a 10 from a PF means instant death on bikers (if that still stands).
Lots of potential. Can't wait to get the book tomorrow (granted it arrives at Games Cafe)
Another thing on my mind is ALLIES! it opens up lots of fun things for templars and i wonder which will be a good combo. Lots of things I would bring but I also want to keep close to fluff because i want the army to look realistic-why are they working together. Mainly I have been considering hydras from guard or a squad of scouts in their fast vehicle as a quick objective grabber or out flanker. Also thought a little about necrons and using tank hunters coupled with scarabs would be scary( take armour down then templars pop the bad boy) or better yet templars charging the field with night fight from cryptek.
well thats my thoughts for now.
~brother Marshal Zapping out
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Future and You, A guide to stayin' alive
Another Update?! let's try to make this a re-occurring thing.
Anyways. Below you should see some pics from the Monster Ball Event at Games Cafe yesterday! super blast to play! Sorry if the pics are kinda blurry but my phone isn't that detailed. Also sorry if i didn't catch your army- tried to get everyone but i was mostly taking pics on my board side. Enjoy them!
here is my force (go Black Templars!)
Here is my dad's Tau
The impressive Dreadnaught force of Marshal Severarse
A Menacing Space marine force setup opposite of the tau
The lovable and extremely building smashing Tyranids
I'll spare you the details but basically there was 10 of us with 1000 point lists consisting of no force org only MC's, walkers, and Heavy Support. The mission was from Cities of death and basically buildings were either 14 armor or 12 giving either 4 or 2 kill points and characters were worth their points rounded down to the nearest hundred. 2 sides were made and although we lost and I totally learned a lesson ( that dreads should not take missiles but instead take awesome crushing arms vs buildings) We had a great time. MVP of our team was tyranids getting a whooping 18 points out of buildings and MVP of the opponents team was orks with an insane 22 points! holy crap right? Super fun to play and really fast turns....
Anyways, Aside from that i had an interesting though come when i read this rumor amongst others on BOLS.
-Preferred Enemy is including shooting and you may reroll wound rolls of a 1 (either shooting or combat)
Now obviously this is not set in stone but a guy can dream right? Infact this might actually make Templars even more deadly. How nice is it to get to also reroll wounds or if i take a missile squad of crusaders to reroll the shooting? Not that they miss too much but thats nice. And on the dreads too as the vow states! We might become a competitive build again. Not that we weren't competitive but sometimes not getting a new codex and using awesome outdated rules works to your advantage (i'm looking at you Eldar). But frankly I really doubt this is the case and even so it doesn't change much because most of the things I bring are usually TL (Lascannon Dread, Lascannon LR). Also I kind of like being a Chapter that is odd to play that way you are so much more familiar with your rules and your opponents then they with yours. That is a tactical advantage and potentially a surprise factor which can work wonders. Hopefully not everyone with jump on the looted bandwagon in 6th.
6th is shaping up to be very interesting indeed...........
More on tactics later!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Updates! and 6th
ok, sorry about being away so long but I hope to get some new posts up here as well as some pictures as I play more with my new found local gaming community!
Not much really aside from 6th comming out. Sounds like 6th will be using an overall psychic powers kind of like fantasy which really doesn't effect my army, you know abhor the witch. However this may make that vow more important which would be an interesting change to my game. I wonder if they will change preferred enemy forcing me to take abhor the witch....
Anyways, that should be cool, can't wait to see what comes of the book and according to BOLS there is word in the tube of a change in BT rules, maybe in a white dwarf magazine in the near future which would also be cool to implement.
As for my army I still have some painting to do and some conversions with the templars to get them up to points and finished. If i can get them done I might be able to play in the upcomming Midwest Massacre which would be sooooo sweet. Can't say what 6th will do to my game but just being in a GT or large tourney would be a really cool experience.
Recently also as I am starting conversion I am thinking about converting part of my normal intiates to carry jump packs just for extra play. I think that a squad of maybe 7-10 with a techie or a marshal might be a good screen/red herring as i get assualty termies into position for charges. Also I have noticed and started impletmenting the use of shooty termies into my list as well. They are best in a small group of 5 with 2 missiles. I find they have great saves and great output shot wise and when they get assualted they hold their own. Even with the possibility of H2H Ap values in 6th their powerfists with retain amazing value.
Finally I have been wondering what other army I want to pick up. I was thinking maybe to go with a Chaos List and make up a renegade marine chapter so i can use normal marines(since they look great better than chaos ones) and stil use the new book or maybe make a combat patroll space wolves list with all fen wolves! Fen wolf mob FTW!!!!
Not much really aside from 6th comming out. Sounds like 6th will be using an overall psychic powers kind of like fantasy which really doesn't effect my army, you know abhor the witch. However this may make that vow more important which would be an interesting change to my game. I wonder if they will change preferred enemy forcing me to take abhor the witch....
Anyways, that should be cool, can't wait to see what comes of the book and according to BOLS there is word in the tube of a change in BT rules, maybe in a white dwarf magazine in the near future which would also be cool to implement.
As for my army I still have some painting to do and some conversions with the templars to get them up to points and finished. If i can get them done I might be able to play in the upcomming Midwest Massacre which would be sooooo sweet. Can't say what 6th will do to my game but just being in a GT or large tourney would be a really cool experience.
Recently also as I am starting conversion I am thinking about converting part of my normal intiates to carry jump packs just for extra play. I think that a squad of maybe 7-10 with a techie or a marshal might be a good screen/red herring as i get assualty termies into position for charges. Also I have noticed and started impletmenting the use of shooty termies into my list as well. They are best in a small group of 5 with 2 missiles. I find they have great saves and great output shot wise and when they get assualted they hold their own. Even with the possibility of H2H Ap values in 6th their powerfists with retain amazing value.
Finally I have been wondering what other army I want to pick up. I was thinking maybe to go with a Chaos List and make up a renegade marine chapter so i can use normal marines(since they look great better than chaos ones) and stil use the new book or maybe make a combat patroll space wolves list with all fen wolves! Fen wolf mob FTW!!!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Back in the Ring
So as you can see, I'm back and posting again. Just wanted a short update to let you all know I have finally gone back to my first love. Black Templars. Guard was good but I just can't stand such a high model count and no melee- thus i went back to power armor. Hopefully on a good note I will be posting more(especially battle recaps) as I start getting involved with the club here in Independence, MO. They are rather large and vibrant so I hope that will pan out.
Also on a cool note my brother is apparently of the age that he suddenly is very interested in 40k. Thus an Eldar player is born. He just started his force and has a couple troops and some dark reapers..... So I am sure you will hear of our battles on here as well!
Peace out ya'll till I update,
Brother Marshal Zappin
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