Thursday, February 10, 2011

200 point league?

ok quick post.....

So recently my local club has started to move down the point rung and currently we are trying out a 200 point league.
Now even for my tastes that is small however I think this is a good move. Basically this allow for new players to easily join and eventually get into the bigger picture.
with this new league its basically individual pieces as units like in kill zone minus the rules of kill zone.
I played tonight part of a game with the newer player to our ranks and although we didn't complete the game according to time it really allowed me not only to see what i want my army to start being but it is also a really cool way to get people interested and keep the game fresh. It was good to meet new faces and have more people to play against and I look forward to new strategies. Plus i must give a shout out to rooney- i like the new missions.
Anyways I am going to post more stuff in the next few days, specifically some things i have been thinking about, even small point games can improve your overall game regardless.

catachan 48th~transmission out


  1. I'll hopefully be there thursday night and we should get in a good game or 2. I get off work sometime between 7:30-8pm.
    I'll try to have a list ready but if not it shouldn't take too long to throw together a short one.

  2. I think I can do a quick game tomorrow afternoon. I get out of class at 1:45. Shoot me a text when you want to play.

  3. I will CRUSH YOU TONIGHT! Mwahahahahahaha!
