Oh my gosh two posts in a week?
unheard of!
So I have recently been thinking about my list as I continue to edit it and add to it for our escalation league.
Three things I am considering:
1. First, troop sizes; currently I run 2 squads of troops: A five man squad with an Ax and the EC and the techmarine in the LR, the other squad is 5 marines with missile and plasma along with 5 h2h Neophytes for objective sitting. I am considering whether this is enough or not. I know that most players would say it is not enough with so many games being Objective heavy and 2 troops won't cut it. Although this is true my problem with our troops is mobility. When playing I rarely expect my troops to survive that long or be close to the other side of the map, also the average of most games is 4 objectives two placed by me and 2 by the opponent. That means I really have strategic influence on about half of the objectives.
All this being said my troops either start on the objective or travel rather close to get to one to sit. Problem is BT don't sit, they get shot and move! So practically unless i play to hard for objectives I usually can take 2 most likely 1. Luckily lots of things can deny the capture. So I think 2 troops is a good amount and only at 2k would i take more (since I have too) and just keep them like a combat squad (1 regular gunned up squad and 1 five man squad in front with just a flamer)
2.Terminator squad sizes: The next thing I am considering for my escalation list is either another terminator squad or make my command squad larger. The upside of a large command squad is that it becomes alot more scary and will most likely take alot of fire and make it to h2h with whoever it wants. The upside to 2 squads is 2 more Cyclone missiles or assault cannons. Survivability versus Firepower. It is a hard trade and really depends on how I play. I think the Survivablity is probably best considering it is less Kill points with a high potential of scoring more Kill points. The shooty Squad is a KP and great versus vehicles but less likely to kill a vehicle(or squad) outright (even though Tank Hunters is a better chance than anyone else)
3.Finally Allies: I rarely run allies because I believe that although it intially helps cover some of your armies apparent weaknesses overall allies cause you to be good at 2 cmpletely different armies and try to get them not only to work together but retain their benefits while providing for the other army. I don't think this happens very easily or often. So as we get into the higher points I might have to start using my Dark Eldar. It is the worst kind of ally you can have but their movement is amazing and makes me not worried much. What I am worried about is will it be a waste compromising my BT or will it be worth it to have the extra speed and let the BT be the hammer. Play testing will tell
anyways let me know what you think!!!!