So just for all of you to know I am planning on making an all foot guard army. And so that means i have been racking my brain and basically reading and re-reading the codex over so I can possibly ring as much out of it as possible. The problem with the foot guard list is several things.
1. They are meant for vehicles- the guard codex in the edition is basically the reason why everyone is mech. they have super cheap vehicles and can make squadrons so why wouldn't you take an entire armoured division and just 2 squads of vets?
2. Guard are extremely weak- they are not like the other races in 40k they are 3 toughness and 3 strength so basically they are expected to die and run away. NO special rules either, all the other races can make up for their lack of space marine power but the guard have only confidence in their guns and possibly numbers.
3. Blobs- this is both a plus and a negative. Although numbers means a heck of a lot of wounds it also mean a heck of a lot of models. Basically this is playing orks but minus any hand to hand ability. Luckily they won't move much and sit in the back and shoot. Also getting alot of models is expensive and putting them together is time consuming.
4. Cheap- this is referring to the fact that since guard have mega good guns they tend to seem cheap to everyone else. I don't want to be that guy so I have to take the hardest way possible. I want to beat you with just a bunch of weak men and not do it with a huge missle that lands on your whole army.
so in the end I decided on catachan rambo theme and i plan on making this army based on their fluff but still be a formidable foe. And don't worry my black templars will probably hang around until this regiment is finished but I feel like this army is the real winner I have wanted to play. Space marines are cool and some what tactical but these guys are going to have to hug the rules and stick to cover hopefully enough to make this a really interesting tactical machine. I have high hopes for this army and I have already raised up one squad and working on another. Hopefully soon I will be able to purchase some more squads and if luck has my back i will win some ebay battles and pick up some sentinels. I will try to put pictures up as well as put a list out for 500 or 1000 points